Saša Dev, arhitekt
Saša Dev, Stanovanjska zgradba zavarovalnice Drava, 1937–40 © hrani Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor

Plečnik House

Karunova 4–6
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 280 16 04 (reception)
T +386 1 241 25 06
E plecnik@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10:00–14:00

Visits of the original Plečnik’s home are only possible with a guided tour that begins every full hour. 
RECOMMENDED: you can buy your tickets online and book your date here.
For more information, please contact plecnik@mgml.si or +386 1 280 16 04.

Visiting the Plečnik House (price includes permanent exhibition Plečnik and a guided tour of Plečnik's home)
Adults: 8 €
Students: 6 €
Children: 6 €
Adults over the age of 60: 6 €
Families: 18 €
Unemployed visitors: 6 €
Visitors with disabilities: 6 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission

Guided tours for private groups of more than 7 visitors need to be booked at least 5 working days in advance.

Visiting the Plečnik House with a prior reservation
Groups of up to 4 persons: 38 €
Groups of over 4 persons: 9 €/person, reduced 7 €/person

Visiting the permanent exhibition Plečnik
Adults: 5 €
Students: 3 €
Children: 3 €
Adults over the age of 60: 3 €
Families: 12 €
Unemployed visitors: 3 €
Visitors with disabilities: 3 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission

Saša Dev, arhitekt

14. 6. 2024–6. 10. 2024

Saša Dev, Plečnikov študent in arhitekt medvojnega Maribora, je eden izmed soustvarjalcev moderne arhitekture v Sloveniji. Njegova arhitekturna dela ostajajo aktualna, saj kot mlad ustvarjalec ni le sledil sodobnim trendom, temveč jih je v kontekstu odnosa do mestnega tkiva prehitel za več desetletij.

Arhitekture Saše Deva iz 30. in 40. let 20. stoletja (nekatere v soavtorstvu z Jaroslavom Černigojem) so danes ikonične arhitekture Maribora, s svojim mentorskim in avtorskim delom po vojni kot direktor Projekta Maribor pa je so-vzpostavil temelje "mariborske arhitekturne šole". Saša Dev je bil ustvarjalec, glasbenik in intelektualec, katerega opus se prvič celovito predstavlja javnosti.

Z razstavo Saša Deva v Plečnikovi hiši prvič gostuje Umetnostna galerija Maribor. Kustosa razstave, Stojan Skalicky in Simona Vidmar, sta konec leta 2022 v UGM pripravila obsežno predstavitev Devovega vpliva na razvoj Maribora, pri čemer je Skalicky izpostavil: "Dev odločno stoji na idejnih pozicijah moderne arhitekture, urbanizma in oblikovanja, pri čemer ne gre za nekritično sprejemanje in posnemanje trendov, temveč za analitični in konstruktivni pristop, pri obdelavi detajlov pa razodeva, da je njegov izvir v šoli žlahtnih načel velikega mojstra Plečnika, ki ga je vse življenje globoko spoštoval"

Plečnik House

Karunova 4–6
1000 Ljubljana

T +386 1 280 16 04 (reception)
T +386 1 241 25 06
E plecnik@mgml.si

Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00
Monday: Closed
1 January, 1 November, 25 December: Closed
24 and 31 December: 10:00–14:00

Visits of the original Plečnik’s home are only possible with a guided tour that begins every full hour. 
RECOMMENDED: you can buy your tickets online and book your date here.
For more information, please contact plecnik@mgml.si or +386 1 280 16 04.

Visiting the Plečnik House (price includes permanent exhibition Plečnik and a guided tour of Plečnik's home)
Adults: 8 €
Students: 6 €
Children: 6 €
Adults over the age of 60: 6 €
Families: 18 €
Unemployed visitors: 6 €
Visitors with disabilities: 6 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission

Guided tours for private groups of more than 7 visitors need to be booked at least 5 working days in advance.

Visiting the Plečnik House with a prior reservation
Groups of up to 4 persons: 38 €
Groups of over 4 persons: 9 €/person, reduced 7 €/person

Visiting the permanent exhibition Plečnik
Adults: 5 €
Students: 3 €
Children: 3 €
Adults over the age of 60: 3 €
Families: 12 €
Unemployed visitors: 3 €
Visitors with disabilities: 3 €
Free admission for carers
ICOM, PRESS, SMD: free admission

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