

THE WHEEL – 5,200 Years
THE WHEEL – 5,200 Years
24. 5. 2013–20. 4. 2014
The invention of the wheel is one of the foundations of modern civilisation and culture. Thousands of years of inventiveness have not created anything to replace the wheel. The wheel encouraged progress and creativity. And the oldest wooden wheel, with an axle, 5,200 years old, was discovered in Slovenia in the Ljubljana Marshes.
Mobile photography − from phone to exhibition
19. 5. 2013–20. 9. 2013
Experiment: mobile! Mobile photography − from phone to exhibition is one of the first exhibitions in Slovenia to present photographs shot by mobile phones and processed using digital image processing tools.
BMW Art Car in front of the City Museum of Ljubljana
BMW Art Car in front of the City Museum of Ljubljana
16. 5. 2013–28. 8. 2013
A BMW Art Car painted by Michael Jagamara Nelson, an Aboriginal Australian artist, can be seen in front of the City Museum of Ljubljana by the end of August 2013. The artist was inspired by his Aboriginal heritage as he transformed a black BMW M3 into a masterpiece of the Papunya desert community.
Nevidni kipi Anje Lautar
Nevidni kipi Anje Lautar
7. 2. 2013–2. 3. 2013
Avtorica Anja Lautar v sodelovanju z Zvezo društev slepih in slabovidnih Slovenije predstavlja razstavo Nevidni kipi, ki bo na ogled med 7. februarjem in 2. marcem 2013.
Razstava Aquileia−Emona−Viminacium
Razstava Aquileia−Emona−Viminacium
20. 12. 2012–17. 1. 2013
Razstava je nastala v okviru mednarodnega projekta TPAS (turist promotion of archeological sites), v katerem sodelujemo s partnerji iz Aquileie/Ogleja (antična Akvileja v današnji Italiji) in Kostolca (antičnega Viminacija, v današnji Srbiji).Namen projekta je turistična promocija arheoloških najdišč ob nekdanji  rimski cesti Akvileja-Emona-Viminacij, ki so danes urejeni in  dostopni kot arheološki parki. Vabljeni na obisk!
MOTA – Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti predstavlja: Bram Vreven, razstava
MOTA – Muzej tranzitornih umetnosti predstavlja: Bram Vreven, razstava
28. 11. 2012–30. 11. 2012
Razstava umetnika Brama Vrevena vabi v svet zvočnih instalacij. V vseh umetnikovih delih sta izhodiščni točki preprostost in red.
Tu ostanemo, fotografska razstava podob Palestine
Tu ostanemo, fotografska razstava podob Palestine
8. 11. 2012–22. 11. 2012
Razstava Tu ostanemo želi prek fotografij, ki prikazujejo življenje v Palestini pred nakbo (v arabskem jeziku »katastrofa«) leta 1948 in po njej, odpreti prostor za palestinsko zgodbo in prikazati spremembe, ki so se Palestincem v tem času zgodile.
Rastline Slovenije v čipkah
Rastline Slovenije v čipkah
6. 11. 2012–31. 12. 2012
Vabljeni v kavarno muzeja, kjer predstavljamo nagrajeno razstavo čipk po motivih znanih slovenskih rastlin ter čipko ljubljanskega Zmajskega mostu!
Tajvanske novoletne grafike in dela mladega umetnika Leland-a Lee-ja
Na ogled v Počivališču Mestnega muzeja
Tajvanske novoletne grafike in dela mladega umetnika Leland-a Lee-ja
12. 10. 2012–21. 10. 2012
Vse od leta 1985 tajvanski nacionalni Svet za kulturo vsako leto prireja tekmovanja v novoletnih grafikah z namenom spodbujanja modernizacije te unikatne ljudske umetnosti. Razstava del osmih zmagovalcev letošnjega tekmovanja je na ogled v Mestnem muzeju. Dopolnjuje jo razstava tajvanskega avtističnega umetnika Leland-a Lee-ja.
Dnevi luzofonije v Mestnem muzeju
Dnevi luzofonije v Mestnem muzeju
4. 10. 2012–4. 11. 2012
Veleposlaništvo Brazilije in Veleposlaništvo Portugalske bosta v četrtek, 4. oktobra, ob 18.30 v Mestnem muzeju odprli Dneve luzofonije, pobudo, katere cilj je spodbujanje kulture portugalsko govorečih držav.
Siemens - Moč napredka v Evropi in na Slovenskem
Siemens - Moč napredka v Evropi in na Slovenskem
13. 6. 2012–30. 6. 2012
V Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana gostimo razstavo o revolucionarnih zgodnjih odkritjjih korporacije Siemens, o njeni vpetosti v svetovne globalizacijske tokove, pa tudi njenem več kot 140-letnem prepletanju s slovensko tehniško dediščino in vplivu na današnjo industrijsko podobo sveta.
1. 6. 2012–7. 6. 2012
Razstavo GIK ART so pripravili študentje 3. letnika Grafičnih in interaktivnih komunikacij (GIK) Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
Touching Compulsory - Bugs for Blind and Vision Impaired
Touching Compulsory - Bugs for Blind and Vision Impaired
3. 4. 2012–27. 5. 2012
The exhibition of relief illustrations and tactile pictogramsTouching Compulsory – Bugs for the Blind and Vision-Impaired, and the acccompanying book are the result of activities of the Kaverljag Association.
Mednarodno prostovoljstvo v sliki in besedi
Mednarodno prostovoljstvo v sliki in besedi
15. 3. 2012–25. 3. 2012
Vabimo vas na otvoritev fotografske razstave Tomaža Zajelšnika, z naslovom »Mednarodno prostovoljstvo v sliki in besedi«, ki bo potekala 15. marca ob 18. uri, v Mestnem muzeju v Ljubljani.
Many Heads are Better than One
Portraits from the Sculpture Collection of the City Museum of Ljubljana
Many Heads are Better than One
8. 2. 2012–31. 12. 2012
The City Museum of Ljubljana has many treasures, with all of them outlining the history of our capital, its immediate surroundings and wider region. The Museum’s extensive treasures also comprise a sculptural collection of portraits and faces which will now for the first time be on display in all its diversity.
New archeological findings on display in the Treasury of the City Museum of Ljubljana
New archeological findings on display in the Treasury of the City Museum of Ljubljana
31. 1. 2012–28. 2. 2012
The archaeological research underway in the area of 6 and 8 Krojaška ulica in the old city centre of Ljubljana has yielded some interesting finds dating back to Antiquity, and in particular the Middle Ages and the modern era. Some of the finds are on display in the Treasury of the City Museum of Ljubljana.
Šahovska razstava Reykjavik v Ljubljani
Šahovska razstava Reykjavik v Ljubljani
5. 1. 2012–5. 2. 2012
Šahovska  razstava je nastala kot spremljevalni dogodek ob uprizoritvi igre Bobby  in Boris avtorjev Dušana Jovanovića, Mitje Čandra in Eve Mahkovic.
New finds in the City Museum's Treasury
New finds in the City Museum's Treasury
8. 11. 2011–8. 1. 2012
In the City Museum's Treasury new archaeological finds from Kongresni trg square and Zvezda park are on display until Sunday, 8 January 2012. The exhibition will feature objects from the middle ages and early modern period.
''Who are you?''
A project and an exhibition in the City Museum of Ljubljana
''Who are you?''
18. 10. 2011–31. 12. 2011
The City Museum of Ljubljana, in co-operation with the artist Bojan Brecelj, has been preparing a project and an exhibition entitled “Who are you?”.
Arab Community at the City Museum of Ljubljana
Arab Community at the City Museum of Ljubljana
17. 10. 2011–13. 11. 2011
Following the principle of inclusiveness, the City Museum of Ljubljana has been carrying out the Museums Connecting project for the fourth consecutive year. In October and November, the Arabs living in Slovenia will be presenting themselves.

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